Office Zoom Parties

We’ve all been through a lot this year. When it comes to all events, including even Zooms, its nice to know what to expect. Sending along an itinerary with the Zoom invite is one way to engage guests before they sign on and to make sure they know its not going to be just glib conversation filling space.

You can pose questions such as what do you appreciate most about working from home? What have you learned from working at home? Prompts that are more simple work too, like what is your favorite Netflix series this month? Maybe some people send responses beforehand and a moderator can prompt them to share when everyone is on the Zoom.

The awkwardness of a work holiday party doesn’t have to be so on zoom. You aren’t walking into the entire office, dressed up, or not, with people you don’t really know. Larger offices should consider starting their holiday parties in breakout rooms to help with zoom awkwardnesses and employees would probably benefit from connecting with the co workers they no longer see. Later on you can bring everyone into the same chat room and follow through with some portion of the programming that has been prior arranged. 

Some further ideas are…

Spotify playlist link to send to everyone.

Send dinner or dessert, with or without Fun cocktails or wine. 

Ugly sweater challenge is an easy one. 

Black tie required, up top. Pjs allowed on the bottom. 

You want to call it quits on zoom or FaceTime for the day so that everyone isn’t zoom fatigued by the party. Maybe even for two days. 

You can even play charades on Zoom. Trust me, we have done it! 

We suggest you establish an end time as well!

The culture from company to company is so different these days and for the better. Getting personal is more acceptable in these times and we are approaching the end of 2020. You can’t have a live band, DJ or open bar so in the spirit of connection, getting more personal, with an agenda, may be worthwhile, even enjoyable. 

We all crave connection but no one ‘at work’ is going to tell you that.