(2/10) Top 10 things to remember when planning a wedding, 2020

Top ten things to remember when planning a wedding, 2020….the less superficial list.

Two of Ten: Wedding planning takes time.

No shit Sherlock you may be saying to me in your head but it needs to be stressed. It’s not the end of the world, if you don’t have all the time in the world, to devote to your wedding planning. It will all work out in the end. Enlist a friend you trust, that listens well. You will need to talk things out often.

You need to plan ahead. Maybe you are handing off your work load to another associate in the office and you should start this process weeks earlier than you planned so that come the two weeks before your wedding, and the week of your wedding, you can truly separate. Additionally, maybe you are going on your honeymoon directly after your wedding. 

I wish this summed up all of wedding related stress but it does come close. Most don’t realize how much time it will take, nor how much time they will want to take when they become inspired. 

It’ll also take more time if you are good at handling detail and if you don’t have the help of a planner. 

Beating yourself up about not having enough time doesn’t help either. This is not the one day in your life that will matter. Have some perspective for yourself. If you are type A you don’t need anymore added pressure. Pressure is already there coursing through your veins when your morning alarm goes off. I know, I’m a wedding planning, I am type A!

With professionals on your side you don’t waste time staring too much at social media, or doing endless research we’ve already done ten times over, or putting any other cart before its horse. 

Perhaps give yourself your own boundaries by focusing on the wedding only at a certain time or on certain days rather than keeping a zillion windows open when you are at work. Let’s not get you fired while you’re engaged. A joke but I know its happened.